

  • Bible Reading Calendar (Robert Murray M’Cheyne): in one year, you will have read through the Old Testament once, the Psalms twice, and the New Testament twice, reading 4 passages every day

    • For The Love of God: two devotional commentaries by D.A. Carson, based on M’Cheyne’s plan

      • Volume I: based on two of the four daily readings

      • Volume II: based on the other two of the four daily readings

      • Read the Bible: a daily podcast featuring audio of the daily reading from these books

  • Navigators Bible Reading Plans

    • Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan: in one year, you will have read through the entire Bible once; only 25 reading days per month

    • The Book-at-a-Time Reading Plan: in one year, you will have read through the entire Bible once; one Bible reading alternates between Old and New Testament books (spreading out the Gospel readings throughout the year); the other Bible reading offers a chapter from either Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, or Isaiah; only 25 reading days per month

    • 5x5x5 New Testament Bible Reading Plan: in one year, you will have read through the entire New Testament once; 5 reading days per week for 5 minutes a day, with 5 different ways to study

  • The KINGDOM Bible Reading Plan (Jason DeRouchie): in one year, you will have read through the Bible once but the Psalms twice; each day includes a reading from the Law, the Prophets, the Writings, and the New Testament; only 25 reading days per month

  • Five Day Bible Reading Plan

  • Core52: A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide to Build Your IQ in a Year


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